Cut price Lunches

The government has announced the cost of providing school lunches will now cost $3 per student. Previous costs of providing lunches were up to $8.68 per student. This is an annual saving of $130 million and is more than was expected in the budget release.

They have managed to make these savings by using supply chain efficiencies and utilising government buying power. There will be no reduction in students eligible to receive school lunches next year if they are currently receiving it.

Meal sizes will be 240 grams for students up to year 8 and at least 300 grams for older students. The types of meals to be provided will include butter chicken curry, chicken katsu, lasagne, chicken pasta salad and wraps. 

The government will also provide food for up to 10,000 two-to-five-year-olds who attend low-equity, community-based early learning services. Part of the funding will come from the savings being made in the lunch programme.

For the government release:


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